1…2…3… Advocacy & Me!

You already advocate for your art program. Do you want to do more? This lecture will help you
take your level of involvement from a one to a three!

Angela Capuzzi:

“If you are a new educator, this presentation will help you start advocating for your program. If you have been teaching for a while, this presentation will remind you of all the awesome things you already do and give you ideas for furthering your efforts. If you’re ready to really push hard for your program or you’re not sure what else you can do, this presentation will help get you there. I understand some teachers are hesitant – I was, too. But, then I realized I was already doing things to advocate. When I was ready, I stepped it up a notch. When my program was being attacked, I really pushed hard. I’ll tell you my story and provide you with lots of encouragement on your journey.”

Friday, October 10, 2017 1:00 – 1:50 pm, Brighton IV

Act 48 offered
