Marcy Bogdanich is the PAEA Awards Chair for the Committee, and has loads of helpful information to share about the process.

Awards not only recognize outstanding art educators across our state but act as an advocacy tool for continuing to keep vibrant art programs in Pennsylvania.


Send all of the following in ONE folder to on or before the deadline of Tuesday April 30, 2019. Submissions, complete or incomplete, will not be accepted after the deadline.  Missing items will not be considered.

1. 2019 completed NAEA Awards Program Nomination Form and Standardized Vita.

(these can be found at

2. One nomination letter written by the nominator.

(nomination letters MUST be written by a PAEA/NEAE member)

3. Two additional letters of recommendation

(letters supporting the nominee may be written by a PAEA/NAEA member or non-member)

4. A one-paragraph biography of the nominee

5. A high resolution digital photograph

Rubrics will be used for judging all regional and national awards.

Rubrics found on the PAEA web site and at will be used for reviewing the nominations submitted  for all NAEA awards.For regional and national awards, rubrics have been created to recognize the differentiation in roles among divisions, with separate rubrics for Higher Education, Museum, Supervision/Administration and Preservice and a combined rubric for Elementary, Middle and Secondary.

There is no rubric for New Professional but a very detailed list of criteria is required. All documents need to be submitted together.


Eligibility – members who currently serve as voting members (elected or appointed) of a state association board are ineligible to be nominated for NAEA regional, divisional or national awards. Immediate family members may not nominate other family members for  awards.

NAEA Awards – NAEA Regional Art Educator of the Year and NAEA Regional Divisions Art Educator of the Year can be submitted from any member  and validate member/division status. Any member may also nominate his or her self and send the required information directly to NAEA by-passing the PAEA Awards Program.  States/Provinces may identify more than one candidate for these awards. NAEA will forward all nominees to the respective national award committee chairs for committee selection of national award winners.

Nomination Letters – Nominators and nominees should be able to craft support letters so that they can be used for both state and national-level nominations.  Simply put, in the award category, list Outstanding Elementary Art Educator without the PAEA/NAEA designation.

AND FINALY – The PAEA Awards Chair will be responsible for submitting PAEA award nominations to  If you are nominating outside of PAEA, and know that you may self-nominate for any award, you should submit all information at one time to by October 1st.

Please do not submit additional materials that are not requested.

Make sure all pasts to the nominating form and vita are filled in on line.

When filling out the Vita it is best if you choose the most currant and important information related to the award title. Over filling the question boxes on the form does not increase chances for an award.  In some cases, when clicked on, some boxes do not expand and the viewer is not able to read everything written. If it takes 20 lines to list your current accomplishments go for it!  But stuff from 1999  not so much!

WHEW!!!!! Lots of info.  Don’t hesitate to contact Marcy for clarification.